Fernando Hernandez

Data Science Projects


I'm an aspiring data scientist currently in Sapporo, Japan. I'm endlessly curious about uncovering the patterns that make the world work. I'm passionate about improving the impact of machine learning on all aspects of our knowledge and lives. I'm also fascinated by new and interesting ways to visualize data at all scales.

Udacity - Data Analyst Nanodegree

Intro to Machine Learning

Giving your data a voice.

Project: Identifying Fraud at Enron
Project: Source Code

Data Analysis with R

Finding to your data's story.

Project: MOOC Student Exploration
Course Exercises: R Solutions

Professional presence

Putting it All Together.

Coursera - Data Science Specialization

Practical Machine Learning

Building prediction functions for practical applications.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Learning essential data summarization techniques.

Developing Data Products

Creating data products with Shiny, R packages, and interactive graphics..

Reproducible Research

Building reproducible data analyses.

R Programming

Learning to use R for effective data analysis.

Getting and Cleaning Data

Gathering, cleaning, and managing data.

Regression Models

Foundations in using linear models.

Statistical Inference

Learning to draw conclusions about populations from data.

The Data Scientist's Toolbox

Intro to tools including version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio.